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HD 155989




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Kinematics of chromospherically active binaries and evidence of an orbital period decrease in binary evolution
The kinematics of 237 chromospherically active binaries (CABs) werestudied. The sample is heterogeneous with different orbits andphysically different components from F to M spectral-type main-sequencestars to G and K giants and supergiants. The computed U, V, W spacevelocities indicate that the sample is also heterogeneous in velocityspace. That is, both kinematically younger and older systems exist amongthe non-evolved main sequence and the evolved binaries containing giantsand subgiants. The kinematically young (0.95 Gyr) subsample (N= 95),which is formed according to the kinematical criteria of moving groups,was compared with the rest (N= 142) of the sample (3.86 Gyr) toinvestigate any observational clues of binary evolution. Comparing theorbital period histograms between the younger and older subsamples,evidence was found supporting the finding of Demircan that the CABs losemass (and angular momentum) and evolve towards shorter orbital periods.The evidence of mass loss is noticeable on the histograms of the totalmass (Mh+Mc), which is compared between theyounger (only N= 53 systems available) and older subsamples (only N= 66systems available). The orbital period decrease during binary evolutionis found to be clearly indicated by the kinematical ages of 6.69, 5.19and 3.02 Gyr which were found in the subsamples according to the periodranges of logP<= 0.8, 0.8 < logP<= 1.7 and 1.7 < logP<=3, respectively, among the binaries in the older subsample.

Reprocessing the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data of spectroscopic binaries. II. Systems with a giant component
By reanalyzing the Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data of a largesample of spectroscopic binaries containing a giant, we obtain a sampleof 29 systems fulfilling a carefully derived set of constraints andhence for which we can derive an accurate orbital solution. Of these,one is a double-lined spectroscopic binary and six were not listed inthe DMSA/O section of the catalogue. Using our solutions, we derive themasses of the components in these systems and statistically analyzethem. We also briefly discuss each system individually.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997) and on data collected with theSimbad database.

Alignment of rotational axes in asynchronous late type binaries
41 RS CVn and BY Dra type binaries with reliable orbital and physicalparameters have been found to rotate asynchronously with the orbitalrevolution. For this sample inclinations of the rotational axes, i_r, ofthe primaries and the orbital inclinations, i_o, are independentlydetermined to test the alignment between the equatorial and the orbitalplanes. The observed difference Delta i=| {i_o} - {i_r}| measures adeviation from coplanarity of these planes. It turns out that mostasynchronous systems prove to be misaligned, especially when theinfluence of the position angle is taken into account. Thus, thegenerally accepted assumption that rotational axes are perpendicular toorbital planes is not valid for asynchronous RS CVn and BY Dra typebinaries. The influence of the position angle of the observer on thederived values of Delta i can be studied only by statistical methods.The distribution of the observed Delta i is compared wih the expectedvalues of Delta i() e for two cases: a) the rotational axes are randomlyinclined to the orbital planes, and b) the rotational axes areperpendicular to the orbital planes. The best fit to our observed sampleof asynchronous binaries is obtained for the case a), while for thesynchronous RS CVn and BY Dra type binaries the rotational axes areperpendicular to their orbital planes. The appendix is available onlyelectronically with the on-line publication athttp://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00230

BVRI photometry of spectroscopic binaries
Not Available

A new H-alpha survey of chromospherically active binaries.
Not Available

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Chromospheric activity in G and K giants: the spectroscopic data base
I present high-resolution CCD spectra of CaII H and K emission lines of59 evolved stars of spectral type G and K and luminosity Class III,III-IV, and IV. This includes active stars like RS CVn binaries but alsoactive and inactive single stars. Most of the objects were observed forthe first time and several were discovered to be chromosphericallyactive. Spectra for ten stars of luminosity Class V are also given.

Are the Rotational Axes Perpendicular to the Orbital Planes in the Binary Systems. I. Asynchronous Long-Period RS CVn Stars
We show that only 12 out of 27 analyzed binaries have data good enoughfor reliable determination of iorb and irot. In 4systems (out of these 12) assumption about coplanarity of rotationalequatorial plane and orbital plane is justified. In the remaining casesrotational axes are not perpendicular to the orbital planes(non-coplanar case). The commonly accepted assumption about thecoplanarity of rotational and orbital planes should be revised.

Chromospheric activity in G and K giants and their rotation-activity relation
We obtained high-resolution CCD spectra of Ca II H and K emission linesof 59 evolved stars of spectral type G and K and luminosity class III,III-IV, and IV. Our sample includes active stars like RS CVn binariesbut also active and inactive single stars. Whenever possible wedetermine absolute emission line surface fluxes and use them,supplemented by previously published fluxes from high-resolutionspectra, to quantify the rotation-activity relation for evolved stars.We find that the Ca II surface fluxes from evolved stars scale linearlywith stellar rotational velocity and that the flux from the cooler starsdepends stronger upon rotation than the flux from the hotter stars, inagreement with previous findings for main-sequence stars. However, largescatter indicates that rotational velocity might not be the onlyrelevant parameter. We also present some evidence for the existence of a'basal' flux for evolved stars that scales approximately with the eightpower of the effective surface temperature.

The active dynamo stars: RS CVn, BY Dra, FK Com, Algol, W UMa, and T Tau
Not Available

A catalog of chromospherically active binary stars (second edition)
The catalog contains 206 spectroscopic binary systems with at least onelate-type component that shows Ca II H and K emission in its spectrum.These systems include the classical RS CVn binaries and BY Dra binaries.The catalog summarizes information on the photometric, spectroscopic,orbital, and physical properties of the systems as well as space motionsand positions. Up to 42 'parameters' for each stellar system are listedfollowed by the appropriate reference to direct interested colleagues tothe original papers. A comprehensive selection of further informationfor each star is given in the individual notes. In addition, the catalogcontains a candidate list of 138 stars that have similar characteristicsbut are not definitely known binaries or have not had Ca II H and Kemission observed.

The ROSAT All-Sky Survey of active binary coronae. I - Quiescent fluxes for the RS Canum Venaticorum systems
One hundred and thirty-six RS CV(n) active binary systems were observedwith the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) during theAll-Sky Survey component of the mission. The entire sky was surveyed,which represents the largest sample of RS CV(n) systems observed to dateat any wavelength, including X-rays. X-ray surface fluxes for the RSCV(n) systems are found to lie in the range 10 exp 4 to 10 exp 8 ergs/sqcm seconds. Surface flux as a function of (B - V) color is reported. Adecrease in surface flux with increasing rotation period for the entiresample is observed. The rotation period provides the best stellar ororbital parameter to predict the X-ray surface flux level. The absenceof correlation of F(x) or L(x) with Gamma is noted due to the fact thatthe coronal heating mechanism for these active stars must be magnetic incharacter, and the magnetic field depends on the interaction betweenconvection and differential rotation inside the star. X-ray propertiesof the RS CV(n) systems with 6 cm radio and C IV UV emission systems iscompared.

Statistical Analysis of a Sample of Spectroscopic Binaries Containing Late Type Giants
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1993A&A...271..125B&db_key=AST

The 71st Name-List of Variable Stars
Not Available

Photometry of 50 suspected variable stars
Fifty stars have been chosen as suspected variable stars and analyzedfor variability. A large portion of this sample are stars that areeither proved active chromosphere stars or are candidates for suchactivity. The photometric data base consists of differential Vmeasurements of the Vanderbilt 16 inch (41 cm) automatic photoelectrictelescope and 25 observers at 26 observatories worldwide. Publishedphotometric data have also been utilized, with proper adjustments madeto ensure that all magnitudes are differential. Searches for photometricperiod, amplitudes, and times of minimum light showed 68 percent of thesample to be photometrically variable with periods found for 34. Twostars were deemed norvariable for the period of observation. Conclusivestatements could not be made concerning the photometric variability ofthe 14 remaining stars.

Spectroscopic binaries - 14th complementary catalog
Orbital-element data for 380 spectroscopic binaries are compiled andannotated in tables. The catalog represents a continuation of the 13thcatalog (Pedoussaut and Nadal, 1977) and uses the same general format.The techniques used in making the magnitudes and spectral typeshomogeneous are indicated.

Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities. A synopsis of papers 1-50
Not Available

Radial velocities of certain stars previously measured at the David Dunlap Observatory
Not Available

Spectroscopic binary orbits from photoelectric radial velocities. Paper 21: HD 155989
Not Available

Accuracy of two-dimensional spectral classes derived through DDO photometry.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1977AJ.....82..832Y&db_key=AST



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距离:781.25 天文距离
B-T magnitude:9.631
V-T magnitude:8.689

适当名称   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 155989
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2065-151-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-08095619
HIPHIP 84291

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