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HD 356404 (V733 Aql)



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The Distribution of the Elements in the Galactic Disk
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Photometry of Type II Cepheids. III. The Intermediate-Period Stars
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Two Period-Radius Relations for Classical Cepheids: Determining the Pulsation Mode and the Distance Scale
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Galactic Cepheids. Catalogue of light-curve parameters and distances
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Period Changes in Population II Cepheids: TX Del and W Vir
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Direct calibration of the Cepheid period-luminosity relation
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I- and JHK-band photometry of classical Cepheids in the HIPPARCOS catalog
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UVBY beta Photometric Data and Fourier Coefficients for Galactic Population I and Population II Cepheids
Photometric data in the uvby beta system are presented for a sample of98 Population I Cepheids and seven W Virginis or Population II Cepheids.The importance of the Fourier decomposition technique in the study ofthe structure of pulsating stars is stressed. Mean values and Fourierdecomposition coefficients for the V, b - y, m1, and c1 variations arecalculated. Also, mean values of H beta are provided. New times ofmaximum V light are reported for the majority of the stars in thesample. Significant shifts of the light and color curves were found insome Cepheids; these are explained by their period variations. Thesestars are highlighted in the text.

Spectroscopic survey of field Type II Cepheids
A sample of relatively bright, short- and intermediate-period (P=1-10d)Type II Cepheids in the Galactic field have been observedspectroscopically with an intermediate-resolution(lambda/Deltalambda=11000) spectrograph. The wavelength region was6500-6700A, including the Hα line and some photospheric ironlines. The signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) was usually between 50 and 100,depending on weather conditions and the brightness of target stars.Radial velocities were determined by cross-correlating the Cepheidspectra with those of selected IAU velocity standard stars having F-Gspectral types. The internal error of the velocity determination processwas calculated to be about 1 km s^-1. Hα emission and strong linesplitting were observed in BL Her during the expansion phase, but nosimilar phenomenon was detected in any other stars in this programme,except for AU Peg which has an unusual Hα line showing a PCygni-like profile. The velocity curve agrees well with recent CORAVELmeasurements. The velocity gradients in Cepheid atmospheres are studiedusing the Hα minus metallic velocities. Similar data are collectedfrom the literature. It seems that having large velocity differences(v_Hα-v_metal>40 km s^-1) is a characteristic feature of thevery short-period (P<1.5d) and longer period (P>10d) Cepheids.Between these period regions the Cepheid atmospheres exhibit smallervelocity differences. Most of the Type II Cepheids observed in thepresent study fall into this latter category. There might be a tendencyfor classical Cepheids of intermediate period to have larger maximumvelocity differences.

A catalog of Cepheid radial velocities measured in 1995-1998 with the correlation spectrometer.
Not Available

The radii of 62 classical Cepheids.
Not Available

Monitoring the Evolution of Cepheid Variables
Described here are preliminary results of a pilot project to monitorchanges in the ephemerides of northern hemisphere Cepheid's using anSBIG camera attached to the 0.4-m telescope of the campus obversatory atSaint Mary's University. Epochs of maximum light for fifteen Cepheid'shave been derived using published light curves for each variable astemplates, and the results are being used to update the O-C ephemeridesfor the program stars. Results for BB Her are presented here. Periodchanges for Cepheid variables are demonstrated to be an excellent meansof pinpointing their evolutionary status, as well as for investigatingother peculiarities of the class.

Baade-Wesselink Radius Determination of Type II Cepheids
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1997AJ....113.1833B&db_key=AST

A catalog of Cepheid radial velocities measured in 1992-1995 with a correlation spectrometer.
Not Available

Mean radial velocities and binarity of Cepheids from 1987-1995 measurements.
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Photoelectric Observations of Cepheids in 1994
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Rotation Curve of the System of Classical Cepheids and the Distance to the Galactic Center
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The Henry Draper Extension Charts: A catalogue of accurate positions, proper motions, magnitudes and spectral types of 86933 stars
The Henry Draper Extension Charts (HDEC), published in the form offinding charts, provide spectral classification for some 87000 starsmostly between 10th and 11th magnitude. This data, being highlyvaluable, as yet was practically unusable for modern computer-basedastronomy. An earlier pilot project (Roeser et al. 1991) demonstrated apossibility to convert this into a star catalogue, using measurements ofcartesian coordinates of stars on the charts and positions of theAstrographic Catalogue (AC) for subsequent identification. We presenthere a final HDEC catalogue comprising accurate positions, propermotions, magnitudes and spectral classes for 86933 stars of the HenryDraper Extension Charts.

Photoelectric observations of Cepheids in 1992
During August-September 1992, 1635 UBVR photometric observations for 74Cepheids were obtained with the 60-cm reflector of the Mt. MaidanakObservatory of the Tashkent Astronomical Institute. Tables ofobservations and plots of light curves are given. These observationstogether with previously published ones will be used to study the periodvariability of Cepheids and to determine their radii and light excesses.

Isolines of Surface Density and Z-Coordinates of Cepheids
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Catalog of radial velocities for northern Cepheids measured with a correlation spectrometer
A catalog containing 1446 individual radial velocity values for 79 fieldCepheids and three Cepheids in globular clusters, and 32 averaged radialvelocities of the Cepheid Alpha UMi derived from 100 individual velocityparameters is presented. A table of gamma velocities for 30 Cepheidswith sufficiently good coverage of Vr curves is included. Radialvelocity observations of CE Cas A and CF Cas, which are photometricmembers of the open cluster NGC 7790, made it possible to estimate theradial velocity of the cluster (-78.0 km/s).

Photoelectric observations of Cepheids in 1991
Observations of 2233 photoelectric UBVR-observations for 99 Cepheidsobtained in August 1991 at the Mt. Maidanak observatory are reported. Atable of observations and graphs of light curves are presented. Theobservations obtained, in concert with earlier-published observations,will be used to research the period variability of Cepheids, determinetheir color excesses, and study the light curves of bimodal Cepheids.

A cluster analysis of cepheids
The galactic distribution of 300 cepheids is considered. It is shownthat about half of them enter groups with characteristic dimensions ofseveral hundred parsecs. Due to their proximity, the cepheids in eachtaxon have similar radial velocity and period values. If the period of acepheid is associated with age, the results indicate that the clustercontains stars of approximately the same age.

The catalogue of light curves parameters, distances and space coordinates of classical Cepheids.
Not Available

Structural properties of the light curves of s-Cepheids
Fourier decomposition of light curves of short period Cepheids ands-Cepheids has been performed in order to investigate the properties ofs-Cepheid light curves, compare them with those of classical Cepheidsand detect suspected overtone pulsators. In general, the low orderamplitude ratio and phase difference of s-Cepheid light curves aredifferent from those of classical Cepheids. In particular, thedistribution of phase difference values against the period indicates thepossible presence of two different trends separated by a discontinuitynear 3 days. This property has been interpreted tentatively as theeffect of a new type of resonance between pulsation modes. Among thestars taken into account in the present work, only IR Cep is a suspectedovertone pulsator.

A catalogue of field Type II Cepheids
A catalogue of field Type II Cepheids is presented. The primary listconsists of 152 Cepheids sufficiently far from the galactic plane to bevery probably Type II stars. A second list contains 56 additional starsthat are likely, but less certain, Type II Cepheids, including bothstars estimated to be at large distances from the galactic plane butwith uncertain distances and stars close to the galactic plane believedto be Type II for independent reasons.

Kinematics of field Type II Cepheid variables
The spectra of 49 field Type II Cepheids have been assembled andcombined with 14 additional stars with previously published radialvelocities in order to investigate the kinematics and spectralcharacteristics of these stars. Many of the stars have low peculiarvelocities consistent with circular rotation around the galaxy, whilesome are high-velocity stars. Outside the nuclear bulge, the velocitiesare correlated with photometric metallicities in the sense thatmetal-rich stars show a nearly normal, disklike rotation velocity and alow velocity dispersion. This correlation shows that the low-velocity,metal-rich stars have an old-disk origin. Fewer Cepheids are found inthe field than expected relative to clusters, suggesting a differencebetween the populations of the halo field and clusters. The kinematicproperties of Cepheids in the nuclear bulge appear to be different inthat both metal-poor and metal-rich Cepheids have a high velocitydispersion and show little systematic galactic rotation.

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:19h57m33.02s
Apparent magnitude:10.027
Proper motion RA:0.9
Proper motion Dec:-4.7
B-T magnitude:11.224
V-T magnitude:10.126

Catalogs and designations:
Proper NamesV733 Aql
HD 1989HD 356404
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1075-2154-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0975-17284314
HIPHIP 98217

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