The 74th Special Name-list of Variable Stars We present the Name-list introducing GCVS names for 3153 variable starsdiscovered by the Hipparcos mission.
Accurate Positions Of Suspected Variable Stars Near The South Galactic Pole Not Available
UBV (RI)c standard stars in the E- and F-regions and in the Magellanic Clouds - a revised catalogue. Not Available
UBVRI photometry of FKSZ stars. II The results of UBVRI photometry for 169 stars of the Faint FundamentalStars Catalog (Zverev, 1957) in the declination zone lambda of between-30 and -60 deg are presented. Observations were obtained between May1984 and February 1987 using the 50-cm ESO telescope at La Silla.Tabular data presented include the number of the star in the E-regions,the V magnitude, the (B-V), (U-B), (V-R), and (R-I) colors, and thespectral types.
UBV photometry of E region standard stars of intermediate brightness Photometry data are given for 335 stars in the nine E regions.Observations were made using a photometer and filters on the 47 cmreflector at Cape Town. The stellar dispersions are summarized. Data arepresented in tabular form.
The absolute magnitudes of G5-M3 stars near the giant branch The absolute magnitudes of stars on the red giant branch (G-K-M) havebeen determined using both trigonometric and statistical parallaxes,from a sample of 212 stars classified in the Revised MK System (Keenanand Pitts, 1980). The results of both methods are summarized in a table.A good agreement is found and the difference between trigonometric andstatistical parallaxes is found not to be greater than + or - 0.002. Thecomputed absolute magnitudes and space motions are tabulated.
Photometric standard stars for the UBV and (RI)KC systems. Not Available
Fainter Standards for VRI Photometry in the E Regions Not Available
Standard magnitudes in the E regions. Not Available