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HD 250371



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Quantitative spectral types for 19 Algol secondaries
Time-resolved spectra of 19 short-period Algol-type binary star systemsobtained during total eclipse are used to derive the temperaturespectral class of the mass-losing secondary component. The spectralclassifications employed a quantitative comparison of the strengths ofabsorption features in stars of known spectral class with those of theprogram stars. The luminosity spectral class can not be determined fromthese data, so both main-sequence and giant stars were used for thecomparison. Our spectral types are compared with published types andfound to be generally in good agreement, unless the published types arederived from the light curves. The photometrically determined types aresystematically later than our directly determined types. This effect isshown also to exist in catalogs of Algol parameters.

The photometric search for earth-sized extrasolar planets by occultation in binary systems
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Statistical study of semi-detached and near-contact semi-detached binaries
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Fourier analysis of the light changes of eclipsing variables in the frequency-domain
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A summary of the investigations of semi-detached close binaries (1986-1988)
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Statistical Study on the Semidetached and Near Contact Semidetached Binary Systems
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Eclipsing binaries, Cygnus to Hydra, in 1972-1985
Photoelectric and visual observations of 40 known and suspectedeclipsing binaries are discussed. Revised light elements are derived forthree systems. The period of V450 Her should possibly be doubled fromabout 0.9d to about 1.8d. Secondary minimum has been detected in DI Hya.

Semidetached systems - Evolutionary viewpoints and observational constraints
The present knowledge on the evolution of semidetached systems isreviewed. Characteristics of observed systems are discussed and generalproperties tested by the behavior of theoretical models. New models ofmass accreting companion stars are computed. The accretion phase isdivided into a fast and slow phase with an accretion rate depending onthe initial mass of the mass losing star and on the initial mass ratio,asssuming the systems are undergoing a case B of mass transfer. Theresults are compared with observed systems with masses of the gainerslocated within the theoretical range. Up to now no computations existfor the evolution of medium mass close binaries including overshootingof the convective core. However some of the influences of extendedconvective mixing on the interaction of close binaries are investigated.A larger probability for the occurrence of case A of mass exchange and alarger remnant mass at the end of the process are the most importantresults. Finally the investigation into the origin of individual systems(in mass, mass ratio and period) is discussed, showing that progressboth in observations and in theoretical models result in a more detailedand more restricted determination of the initial parameters of theindividual systems.

A survey for transient accretion disks in short-period Algol systems. II
Time-resolved spectroscopy during primary eclipse was utilized in orderto search for emission lines from accretion disks surrounding theprimary component in short-period Algol systems. The results ofobservations of 46 systems surveyed during 80 eclipses are presented.For disks in long-period systems, the gas stream from the secondary starmoves around the trailing hemisphere of the primary and forms apermanent disk. However, in short-period systems the gas stream strikesthe primary star. Disks formed by this latter process are found to betransient and unstable. The discovery of two new transient disk systemsis reported: RW Mon and RR Dra. When the relative radius of the primarystar is plotted versus mass ratio, the systems with permanent disks,transient disks, and without disks segregate into three distinct regionsof the plot. This implies that the differences between systems withtransient disks and those without disks may be simply a matter of thelocation of the stream impact on the primary star.

Absolute parameters of stars in semidetached eclipsing binary systems
A number of questions concerning the absolute parameters of stars insemidetached binary systems are addressed. Consideration is given to:similarities between Algol-type binaries and unevolved detached binarieswith respect to the mass-luminosity law; and the single-line classicalAlgol candidates with known mass functions and photometric solutions formass ratio. It is shown that the validity of the mass luminosity-lawcannot be verified for individual Algol-type binaries though it doeshold well on average; and (2), the existence of a definite class ofsd-binaries not containing a proportion of significantly undersize typesis apparent. The conclusions are found to be in general agreement withthe observations of Hall and Neff (1979).

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Observation and Astrometry data

Right ascension:06h01m28.06s
Apparent magnitude:9.79
Proper motion RA:1.2
Proper motion Dec:-1.4
B-T magnitude:9.923
V-T magnitude:9.801

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 250371
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1864-1994-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-03200013
HIPHIP 28537

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