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TYC 2524-1722-1



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An Overview of the Rotational Behavior of Metal-poor Stars
This paper describes the behavior of the rotational velocity inmetal-poor stars ([Fe/H] <= -0.5 dex) in different evolutionarystages, based on vsin i values from the literature. Our sample iscomprised of stars in the field and some Galactic globular clusters,including stars on the main sequence, the red giant branch (RGB), andthe horizontal branch (HB). The metal-poor stars are, mainly, slowrotators, and their vsin i distribution along the HR diagram is quitehomogeneous. Nevertheless, a few moderate to high values of vsin i arefound in stars located on the main sequence and the HB. We show that theoverall distribution of vsin i values is basically independent ofmetallicity for the stars in our sample. In particular, thefast-rotating main sequence stars in our sample present rotation ratessimilar to their metal-rich counterparts, suggesting that some of themmay actually be fairly young, in spite of their low metallicity, or elsethat at least some of them would be better classified as blue stragglerstars. We do not find significant evidence of evolution in vsin i valuesas a function of position on the RGB; in particular, we do not confirmprevious suggestions that stars close to the RGB tip rotate faster thantheir less-evolved counterparts. While the presence of fast rotatorsamong moderately cool blue HB stars has been suggested to be due toangular momentum transport from a stellar core that has retainedsignificant angular momentum during its prior evolution, we find thatany such transport mechanisms most likely operate very fast as the stararrives on the zero-age HB (ZAHB), since we do not find a link betweenevolution off the ZAHB and vsin i values. We present an extensivetabulation of all quantities discussed in this paper, including rotationvelocities, temperatures, gravities, and metallicities [Fe/H], as wellas broadband magnitudes and colors.

Rotation and Macroturbulence in Metal-Poor Field Red Giant and Red Horizontal Branch Stars
We report the results for rotational velocities, Vrot sin i,and macroturbulence dispersions, ζRT, for 12 metal-poorfield red giant branch (RGB) stars and 7 metal-poor field red horizontalbranch (RHB) stars. The results are based on Fourier transform analysesof absorption line profiles from high-resolution (R ≈ 120,000),high-S/N (≈215 per pixel; ≈345 per resolution element) spectraobtained with the Gecko spectrograph at the Canada-France-HawaiiTelescope (CFHT). The stars were selected from the authors' previousstudies of 20 RHB and 116 RGB stars, based primarily onlarger-than-average line-broadening values. We find thatζRT values for the metal-poor RGB stars are very similarto those for metal-rich disk giants studied earlier by Gray and hiscollaborators. Six of the RGB stars have small rotational values, lessthan 2.0 km s-1, while five show significantrotation/enhanced line broadening, over 3 km s-1. We confirmthe rapid rotation rate for RHB star HD 195636, found earlier byPreston. This star's rotation is comparable to that of the fastest knownrotating blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars, when allowance is made fordifferences in radii and moments of inertia. The other six RHB starshave somewhat lower rotation but show a trend to higher values at highertemperatures (lower radii). Comparing our results with those for BHBstars from Kinman et al., we find that the fraction of rapidly rotatingRHB stars is somewhat lower than is found among BHB stars. The number ofrapidly rotating RHB stars is also smaller than we would have expectedfrom the observed rotation of the RGB stars. We devise two empiricalmethods to translate our earlier line-broadening results intoVrot sin i for all the RGB and RHB stars they studied.Binning the RGB stars by luminosity, we find that most metal-poor fieldRGB stars show no detectable sign, on average, of rotation, which is notsurprising given the stars' large radii. However, the most luminousstars, with MV <= -1.5, do show net rotation, with meanvalues of 2-4 km s-1, depending on the algorithm employed,and also show signs of radial velocity jitter and mass loss. This"rotation" may in fact prove to be due to other line-broadening effects,such as shock waves or pulsation.Based on observations obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope(CFHT) which is operated by the National Research Council of Canada, theInstitut National des Sciences de l'Univers of the Centre National de laRecherche Scientifique de France, and the University of Hawaii.

Pulkovo compilation of radial velocities for 35495 stars in a common system.
Not Available

Faint Blue Objects at High Galactic Latitude. VIII. Performance Characteristics of the US Survey
The US survey has cataloged 3987 objects in seven high Galactic latitudefields according to their optical colors, magnitudes, and morphologiesusing photographic techniques. This paper analyzes the effectiveness ofthe survey at producing finding lists for complete samples of hot starsand quasars that exhibit blue and/or ultraviolet excess (B-UVX) relativeto the colors of halo F and G subdwarf stars. A table of 599spectroscopic identifications summarizes the spectroscopic coverage ofthe US objects that has been accomplished to date. In addition, some ofthe survey plates have been reexamined for objects missed during theoriginal selection, and the literature has been searched for all otherspectroscopically identified blue stars and quasars with z<2.2 thathave been selected by other surveys within the US survey areas. Theseresults are used to estimate empirically both the accuracy of the USsurvey selection boundaries (in color, morphology, and brightness) andthe completeness of the resulting samples of B-UVX US objects withinthose boundaries. In particular, it is shown that the reliability of theUS color classifications is high and that the previously derived USmorphological boundary for the complete selection of unresolved quasarsis accurate. The contribution of color and morphological classificationerrors to B-UVX sample incompleteness is therefore correspondinglysmall. The empirical tests indicate high levels of completeness(95+1-2%) for the samples of US quasars and hotstars isolated within the stated survey selection limits. Errata andimprovements to some of the published catalog data are presented inAppendices.

Rotation Velocities of Red and Blue Field Horizontal-Branch Stars
We present measurements of the projected stellar rotation velocities(vsini) of a sample of 45 candidate field horizontal-branch (HB) starsspanning a wide range of effective temperatures, from red HB stars withTeff~=5000K to blue HB stars with Teff of 17,000K.Among the cooler blue HB stars (Teff=7500-11500 K), weconfirm prior studies showing that, although a majority of stars rotateat vsini<15kms-1, there exists a subset of ``fastrotators'' with vsini as high as 30-35 km s-1. All but one ofthe red HB stars in our sample have vsini<10kms-1, and noanalogous rotation bimodality is evident. We also identify anarrow-lined hot star (Teff~=16,000K) with enhancedphotospheric metal abundances and helium depletion, similar to theabundance patterns found among hot BHB stars in globular clusters, andfour other stars that may also belong in this category. We discussdetails of the spectral line fitting procedure that we use to deducevsini and explore how measurements of field HB star rotation may shedlight on the issue of HB star rotation in globular clusters.

Stellar parameters for Pop II A-type stars from IUE spectra and new-ODF ATLAS9 model atmospheres
Stellar parameters for twenty-seven field horizontal branch A-typestars, a post-AGB star (BD +32 2188), and a possible cool sdB star (BD+00 0145) were obtained by fitting the whole IUE energy distributionstaken from the IUE-INES archive to the ultraviolet energy distributionspredicted by new-ODF ATLAS9 model atmospheres, which include theLyman-alpha H-H+ and H-H quasi-molecular absorptions near1400 Å and 1600 Å. The sample of stars was extensivelystudied by Kinman et al. (2000), who derived stellar parameters for themby using visual observations and also an ultraviolet color index. Theeffective temperatures obtained by fitting the IUE spectra to thenew-ODF models agree with T_eff derived by Kinman et al. (2000) for mostof the stars in the sample. The gravities from UV agree with those fromKinman et al. (2000) for stars hotter than about 8700 K, while they arelower, on average, by 0.3 dex for the cooler stars. The same discrepancyis present when log g from the ultraviolet energy distribution iscompared with log g from the visible energy distribution. The differenceis insensitive to reddening, microturbulent velocity, metallicity, ormixing-length parameter for the treatment of the convection. Figures A.1to A.15 are only available in electronic form athttp://www.edpsciences.org

A spectroscopic study of field BHB star candidates
New spectroscopic observations are presented for a sample of thirty-oneblue horizontal branch (BHB) star candidates that are sufficientlynearby to have reliable proper motions. Comments are given on a furthertwenty-five stars that have previously been suggested as BHB starcandidates but which were not included in our sample. Moderatelyhigh-resolution spectra (lambda /Delta lambda ~ 15 000) of twenty fiveof our program stars were taken with the coudé feed spectrographat Kitt Peak. Twelve of the program stars were also observed with theCAT spectrograph at ESO. Six of these program stars were observed fromboth hemispheres. IUE low-resolution spectra are available for most ofour candidates and were used, in addition to other methods, in thedetermination of their Teff and reddening. A compilation ofthe visual photometry for these stars (including new photometry obtainedat Kitt Peak) is also given. Abundances were obtained from these spectrausing models computed by Castelli with an updated version of the ATLAS9code (Kurucz 1993a). All thirty one candidates are halo stars. Of these,twenty eight are classified as BHB stars because: [(1)]they lie close tothe ZAHB (in a similar position to the BHB stars in globular clusters)in the Teff versus log g plot. For all but one of thesestars, far-UV data were available which were consistent with other data(Strömgren photometry, energy distributions, Hγ profiles) forderiving Teff and log g. [(2)]they have a distribution of kms-1i (<=40 km s-1) that is similar to thatfound for the BHB in globular clusters. Peterson et al. (1995) and Cohen& McCarthy (1997) have shown that the BHB stars in the globularclusters M13 and M92 have a higher km s-1i (<= 40 kms-1) than those in M3 and NGC 288 (<=20 kms-1). The mean deprojected rotational velocity (/line{v}) wascalculated for both the two globular clusters and the nearby BHB starsamples. A comparison of these suggests that both globular cluster kms-1i types are present in our nearby sample. No obvious trendis seen between km s-1i and either (B-V)o or [Fe/H].[(3)]they have -0.99>=[Fe/H]>=-2.95 (mean [Fe/H] -1.67; dispersion0.42 dex), which is similar to that found for field halo RR Lyrae andred HB stars. These local halo field stars appear (on average) to bemore metal-poor than the halo globular clusters. The local sample of redgiant stars given by Chiba & Yoshii (1998) contains a greaterfraction of metal-poor stars than either our halo samples or the haloglobular clusters. The stars in our sample that have a Teffthat exceeds about 8 500 K show the He i (lambda 4471) line with astrength that corresponds to the solar helium abundance. [(4)]they showa similar enhancement of the alpha -elements (< [Mg/Fe]right > =+0.43+/-0.04 and also < [Ti/Fe]right > = +0.44+/-0.02) to thatfound for other halo field stars of similar metallicity. Based onobservations obtained at KPNO, operated by the Association ofUniversities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under contract with theNational Science Foundation, and the European Southern Observatory,Chile. Tables 4 and 5 are only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr

Kinematical trends among the field horizontal branch stars
Horizontal branch (HB) stars in the field of the Milky Way can be usedas tracers for the study of early stages of the evolution of our galaxy.Since the age of individual HB stars is not known a priori, we havestudied the kinematics of a sample of field HB stars measured withHipparcos to look for signs of age and population nature. Our samplecomprises 14 HBA, 2 HBB and 5 sdB/O stars. We found that the kinematicsof the HBA stars is very different from that of the sdB/O stars(including those from an earlier study). The HBA stars have low orbitalvelocities, some are even on retrograde orbits. Their orbits have largeeccentricities and in many cases reach large distances above thegalactic plane. In contrast, the sdB/O stars show disk-like orbitalcharacteristics. The few HBB stars (with T_eff> 10,000 K) in oursample seem to have kinematics similar to that of the sdB/O stars. Inorder to see if there is a trend among the HB stars in their kinematics,we investigated also RR Lyrae stars measured with Hipparcos. Here wefound a mixed kinematical behaviour, which was already known fromprevious studies. Some RR Lyrae stars have disk-like orbits (most ofthese being metal rich) but the majority has halo-like orbits, verysimilar to those of our HBA stars. Since the atmospheres of most typesof HB stars do not reflect original metallicities any more thekinematics is the only aspect left to study the origin and populationmembership of these stars. Thus, the clear trend found in kinematics ofstars along the HB, which is also a sequence in stellar mass, shows thatthe different kinds of field HB stars arose from stars having differentorigins in age and, e.g., metallicity or mass loss rate. Based in parton HIPPARCOS data

A new, complete sample of faint B stars in the Galactic halo
A new sample of 31 faint B and A0 stars is reported, 30 of whichcomprise a complete sample within the limits (U-V) less than 0 and Bbetween 10.0 and 18.0. The sample is based on low- andintermediate-resolution spectrophotometry of color-excess objectsselected in the U.S. survey. Atmospheric parameters for the stars arederived through the use of synthetic colors, Balmer-line strengths, andmodel-atmosphere fitting. The atmospheric parameters and preliminarymetallicity estimates indicate that most of the stars are distributedalong the blue horizontal branch, with low metallicities (Fe/H = 1.0)and with both the first and second Newell gaps present. However, nine ofthe B/A0 stars can be identified as candidate mainsequence stars, basedon evidence of high metallicities (Fe/H = 0) and/or derived effectivetemperatures and surface gravities which place them close to themain-sequence relation. The completeness characteristics of the sampleare discussed, and its surface density is compared to that of otherrecently isolated B-star samples. The sample exhibits a shallow integralnumber-count slope. This new sample will help provide increasedstatistical coverage of the B-star population in the Galactic halothrough its relatively faint magnitude-completeness limits and itsrelatively red color-completeness limit.

Identification of lambda Bootis stars using IUE spectra. I. Low resolution data
An analysis of the stars included in the catalogue of lambda Bootisstars by Paunzen et al. (1997) and which also have IUE observations ispresented here. Population I A-F type stars as well as field horizontalbranch stars were also included in the analysis. Using line-ratios ofcarbon to heavier elements (Al and Ni) allows us to establishunambiguous membership criteria for the lambda Bootis group. Tables 1-3are only available in electronic form at CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

The Fundamental Parameters of Field Horizontal-Branch Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112.2291G&db_key=AST

Spectral Characteristics of Field Horizontal-Branch Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1996AJ....112.2286C&db_key=AST

Classification of Population II Stars in the Vilnius Photometric System. I. Methods
The methods used for classification of Population II stars in theVilnius photometric system are described. An extensive set of standardswith known astrophysical parameters compiled from the literature sourcesis given. These standard stars are classified in the Vilnius photometricsystem using the methods described. The accuracy of classification isevaluated by a comparison of the astrophysical parameters derived fromthe Vilnius photometric system with those estimated from spectroscopicstudies as well as from photometric data in other systems. For dwarfsand subdwarfs, we find a satisfactory agreement between our reddeningsand those estimated in the uvbyscriptstyle beta system. The standarddeviation of [Fe/H] deter mined in the Vilnius system is about 0.2 dex.The absolute magnitude for dwarfs and subdwarfs is estimated with anaccuracy of scriptstyle <=0.5 mag.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Observation of 1600 and 3040 A features in the spectra of field horizontal branch stars
Low-resolution IUE spectra reveal broad flux depressions at??1600 and 3040 Å in several horizontal-branchstars. These features have previously been found in the ? Boostars, which are peculiar stars of a different population but share theproperty of metal-weakness with the horizontal-branch stars.

Radial velocities of blue horizontal branch field stars
Radial velocities of blue horizontal branch field (bhbf) stars have beenmeasured. The solar motion solution is determined for a sample of bhbfstars. It is found to be 172 + or - 40 km/s. The Z-dispersion of thelocal velocity ellipsoid of bhbf stars is determined. It is found to be114 + or - 28 km/s.

Finding charts for field horizontal-branch A-type stars.
Not Available

Scanner observations of field horizontal-branch A stars
Measurements have been conducted regarding the energy distributions of16 field horizontal-branch A stars, plus nine others of miscellaneoustypes, at 20 wavelengths between 3450 and 6970 A using the HCO scannerson 0.9 m telescopes at Kitt Peak and Cerro Tololo Observatories. Theobservations are reported here as absolute energy distributions on thesystem of Hayes and Latham. The (internal) measurement error (std. dev.)is 0.025 mag per observation, averaged over all wavelengths.

Further Studies of A-Stars and F-Stars in the Region of the North Galactic Pole - Part Four - a Catalogue of Uvbyr Photometry and Derived Quantities
Not Available

Further Studies of A-Stars and F-Stars in the Region of the North Galactic Pole - Part Three - a Catalogue of Star Names and Positions
Not Available

A survey for small-amplitude variability among population II stars.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1976PASP...88..495M&db_key=AST

Gaps in the blue horizontal branch.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1976ApJ...204..804N

The Nature of Faint Blue Stars in the Halo. II
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974ApJS...28..157G&db_key=AST

Statistical analysis of the uvby-beta catalogue.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1974A&AS...15..209L&db_key=AST

Four-color observations of early-type stars. Standards and secondary standards.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1973ApJ...179..855P&db_key=AST

Gravities of Blue Horizontal-Branch Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1972ApJ...171L..51P&db_key=AST

H-beta photometry of A-type stars near the north galactic pole.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1971AJ.....76..567P&db_key=AST

Radial Velocities of Field Horizontal-Branch Stars. I
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1969ApJ...158L.113P

Photoelectric photometry of A-type stars near the north galactic pole.
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1968AJ.....73.1000P&db_key=AST

Possible Horizontal-Branch Stars at High Galactic Latitudes. II
Not Available

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관측 및 측정 데이터

적경상의 고유운동:-7.6
적위상의 고유운동:-11.3
B-T magnitude:10.625
V-T magnitude:10.63

일반명   (Edit)
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 2524-1722-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1200-06786843
HIPHIP 57486

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