New aperture photometry for 217 galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters. We present photo electric multi-aperture photometry in UBVRI of 171 and46 galaxies in the Virgo and Fornax clusters, respectively. Many of thegalaxies have not been observed in at least one of these passbandsbefore. We discuss the reduction and transformation into the Cousinsphotometric system as well as the extinction coefficients obtainedbetween 1990 and 1993.
The distance and structure of the Coalsack. I - Photometric data The results of UBV and H-beta photometry for 284 stars of spectral typesB to F located in the area of the dark cloud Coalsack are presented.Most of the present stars are brighter than 10.0 mag and are classifiedin the MK system of Houk and Cowley (1975). For each star, the bestvalues for the extinction and distance modulus are provided, withtypical estimated errors of + or - 0.08 mag for the extinction and + or- 0.32 mag for the distance modulus. Possible misclassifications andspectral peculiarities are noted for several of the stars.
UBV (RI)c standard stars in the E- and F-regions and in the Magellanic Clouds - a revised catalogue. Not Available
UBV photometry of E region standard stars of intermediate brightness Photometry data are given for 335 stars in the nine E regions.Observations were made using a photometer and filters on the 47 cmreflector at Cape Town. The stellar dispersions are summarized. Data arepresented in tabular form.
DDO Observations of Southern Stars Not Available
Photometric standard stars for the UBV and (RI)KC systems. Not Available
Fainter Standards for VRI Photometry in the E Regions Not Available
Standard magnitudes in the E regions. Not Available