On the Photometric Variability of Red Clump Giants Hipparcos photometry of the 308 red clump giants identified by Paczynskiet al. (1999) is investigated. These stars are found to be quite stableduring the three years of observation, but questions remain about longerterm stability.
The Southern Vilnius Photometric System. III. Observations of E and F Harvard Standard Regions, 47 TUC and Some Metal-Deficient Stars The results of photoelectric photometry in the Vilnius system of 101southern stars in the areas E1--E4, E8, E9 and F1 as well as of somemetal deficient stars are presented. Photometrically determined spectraltypes and luminosity classes of these stars are also given.
Secondary standards for H-beta photometry in the Southern Hemisphere (second series). Not Available
UBV (RI)c standard stars in the E- and F-regions and in the Magellanic Clouds - a revised catalogue. Not Available
UBV photometry of E region standard stars of intermediate brightness Photometry data are given for 335 stars in the nine E regions.Observations were made using a photometer and filters on the 47 cmreflector at Cape Town. The stellar dispersions are summarized. Data arepresented in tabular form.
Photometric standard stars for the UBV and (RI)KC systems. Not Available
Fainter Standards for VRI Photometry in the E Regions Not Available
VRI standards in the E regions Not Available
Standard Stars for VRI Photometry with S25 Response Photocathodes [Errata: 1974MNSSA..33....1C] Not Available
Lichtelektrische UBV-Photometrie von Standardsternen und in vier Sternfeldern am Äquator Not Available
Standard magnitudes in the E regions. Not Available