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HD 32115



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HR 1613: A Slowly Rotating A Dwarf Spectroscopic Binary with Solar Abundances
From two sets of radial velocities we have obtained the orbital elementsof HR 1613. This single-lined binary has an orbital period of 8.11128days and a nearly circular orbit. The primary has an A9 V spectral typeand a vsini value of 11 km s-1, while the unseen secondary islikely a K or M dwarf. Spectral classifications and spectrum synthesisanalysis indicate that the abundances of the primary are normal. Wereject the possibility that the primary of HR 1613 is seen nearlypole-on and instead argue that its rotational inclination is at least20°, resulting in an equatorial rotational velocity of 30 kms-1 or less. Slowly rotating A stars almost always havespectrum peculiarities, being classified as either Ap or Am stars, butHR 1613, with its essentially solar abundances, appears to be anexception.

Absolute dimensions of detached eclipsing binaries - I. The metallic-lined system WW Aurigae
WW Aurigae is a detached eclipsing binary composed of two metallic-linedA-type stars orbiting each other every 2.5 d. We have determined themasses and radii of both components to accuracies of 0.4 and 0.6 percent, respectively. From a cross-correlation analysis of high-resolutionspectra we find masses of 1.964 +/- 0.007 Msolar for theprimary star and 1.814 +/- 0.007 Msolar for the secondarystar. From an analysis of photoelectric uvby and UBV light curves wefind the radii of the stars to be 1.927 +/- 0.011 Rsolar and1.841 +/- 0.011 Rsolar, where the uncertainties have beencalculated using a Monte Carlo algorithm. Fundamental effectivetemperatures of the two stars have been derived, using the Hipparcosparallax of WW Aur and published ultraviolet, optical and infraredfluxes; these are 7960 +/- 420 and 7670 +/- 410 K. The masses, radii andeffective temperatures of WW Aur are only matched by theoreticalevolutionary models for a fractional initial metal abundance, Z, ofapproximately 0.06 and an age of roughly 90 Myr. This seems to be thehighest metal abundance inferred for a well-studied detached eclipsingbinary, but we find no evidence that it is related to the metallic-linednature of the stars. The circular orbit of WW Aur is in conflict withthe circularization time-scales of both the Tassoul and the Zahn tidaltheories and we suggest that this is due to pre-main-sequence evolutionor the presence of a circular orbit when the stars were formed.

Abundances and chemical stratification analysis in the atmosphere of Cr-type Ap star HD 204411
We present results of an abundance and stratification analysis of theweakly magnetic chemically peculiar star HD 204411 based on the echellespectrum obtained with the high resolution spectrograph at the 3.55-mTelescopio Nazionale Galileo at the Observatorio del Roque de losMuchachos (La Palma, Spain). Atmospheric parameters obtained from thespectroscopy and spectrophotometry together with the Hipparcos parallaxshow that this star has already left the Main Sequence band. The upperlimit for the surface magnetic field derived from the differentialbroadening of the spectral lines with different magnetic sensitivity is750 G, which agrees with the recent detection of the weak effectivemagnetic field in this star. The best fit to the observed spectral lineprofiles was obtained with a combination of the rotational velocity v_esin i = 5.4 km s-1 and the radial-tangential macroturbulenceof 4.8 km s-1. The average abundances of HD 204411 aretypical for an Ap star of the Cr-type: C and O are deficient, Cr and Feare strongly overabundant. Sr, Y, Zr and the rare-earths, which usuallyhave large overabundances in cool Ap stars with strong magnetic fields,are either normal (Y, Ce) or only +0.5 dex overabundant in the weaklymagnetic star HD 204411. The chemical stratification analysis wasperformed for 5 elements, Mg, Si, Ca, Cr and Fe. Si, Ca and Fe show atendency to be concentrated below logτ5000=-1, while forMg we found marginal evidence for concentration in the upper atmosphere.This behaviour of Mg may be an artifact caused by the limited sample ofspectral lines and poor atomic data available for the Mg II lines usedin our analysis. Chromium, the most anomalous Fe-peak element, does notshow significant abundance gradients in the line-forming region.

The spectroscopic signature of roAp stars
To reliably determine the spectroscopic signature of rapidly oscillatingchemically peculiar (roAp) stars it is also necessary to investigate asample of non pulsating chemically peculiar (noAp) as well as presumably``normal'' stars. We describe in this study the sample ofspectroscopically investigated stars and comment on the techniques usedfor the analysis. In particular we discuss ionization disequilibria ofrare earths in roAp stars that distinguish them from noAp stars. In thelight of the recently discovered pulsation of β CrB we seearguments that all magnetic CP2 stars up to a transition temperature ofabout 8100 K may be pulsating.Based on observations obtained at the European Southern Observatory (LaSilla, Chile), the Canadian-French-Hawaii telescope, the South AfricaAstronomical Observatory, The Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and onnumerous SIMBAD interrogations.

Rotational Velocities of B, A, and Early-F Narrow-lined Stars
Projected rotational velocities for 58 B, A, and early-F stars have beendetermined from high-resolution spectroscopic observations made at KittPeak National Observatory with the coudé feed telescope. All thestars are slowly rotating with vsini<60 km s-1. Because oftheir low rotational velocities, 15 of the stars have been observed asprospective, early-type, radial velocity standards.

On the influence of Stark broadening on Si I lines in stellar atmospheres
We study the influence of Stark broadening and stratification effects onSi I lines in the rapidly oscillating (roAp) star 10 Aql, where the SiI,6142.48 Å and 6155.13 Å lines are asymmetrical andshifted. First we have calculated Stark broadening parameters using thesemiclassical perturbation method for three Si I lines: 5950.2 Å,6142.48 Å and 6155.13 Å. We revised the synthetic spectrumcalculation code taking into account both Stark width and shift forthese lines. From the comparison of our calculations with theobservations we found that Stark broadening + the stratification effectcan explain asymmetry of the Si I 6142.48 Å and 6155.13 Ålines in the atmospere of roAp star 10 Aql.

Rotational velocities of A-type stars in the northern hemisphere. II. Measurement of v sin i
This work is the second part of the set of measurements of v sin i forA-type stars, begun by Royer et al. (\cite{Ror_02a}). Spectra of 249 B8to F2-type stars brighter than V=7 have been collected at Observatoirede Haute-Provence (OHP). Fourier transforms of several line profiles inthe range 4200-4600 Å are used to derive v sin i from thefrequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis of the sampleindicates that measurement error mainly depends on v sin i and thisrelative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 5% onaverage. The systematic shift with respect to standard values fromSlettebak et al. (\cite{Slk_75}), previously found in the first paper,is here confirmed. Comparisons with data from the literature agree withour findings: v sin i values from Slettebak et al. are underestimatedand the relation between both scales follows a linear law ensuremath vsin inew = 1.03 v sin iold+7.7. Finally, thesedata are combined with those from the previous paper (Royer et al.\cite{Ror_02a}), together with the catalogue of Abt & Morrell(\cite{AbtMol95}). The resulting sample includes some 2150 stars withhomogenized rotational velocities. Based on observations made atObservatoire de Haute Provence (CNRS), France. Tables \ref{results} and\ref{merging} are only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/393/897

Abundance analysis of two late A-type stars HD 32115 and HD 37594
We have performed abundance analysis of two slowly rotating, late A-typestars, HD 32115 (HR 1613) and HD 37594 (HR 1940), based on obtainedechelle spectra covering the spectral range 4000-9850 Å. Thesespectra allowed us to identify an extensive line list for 31 chemicalelements, the most complete to date for A-type stars. Two approaches toabundance analysis were used, namely a ``manual'' (interactive) and asemi-automatic procedure for comparison of synthetic and observedspectra and equivalent widths. For some elements non-LTE (NLTE)calculations were carried out and the corresponding corrections havebeen applied. The abundance pattern of HD 32115 was found to be veryclose to the solar abundance pattern, and thus may be used as anabundance standard for chemical composition studies in middle and late Astars. Further, its Hα line profile shows no core-to-wing anomalylike that found for cool Ap stars and therefore also may be used as astandard in comparative studies of the atmospheric structures of cool,slowly rotating Ap stars. HD 37594 shows a metal deficiency at the levelof -0.3 dex for most elements and triangle-like cores of spectral lines.This star most probably belongs to the delta Sct group. Based onobservations obtained at the 2-m telescope of Peak Terskol Observatorynear Elbrus mountain, International Center of Astronomical andMedical-Ecological Researches, Russia. Table 4 is only available inelectronic form at http://www.edpsciences.org

Abundance stratification and pulsation in the atmosphere of the roAp star boldmath gamma Equulei
We present the evidence for abundance stratification in the atmosphereof the rapidly oscillating Ap star gamma Equ. Ca, Cr, Fe, Ba, Si, Naseem to be overabundant in deeper atmospheric layers, but normal tounderabundant in the upper layers with a transition in the typical lineforming region of -1.5

Rotational velocities of A-type stars. I. Measurement of v sin i in the southern hemisphere
Within the scope of a Key Programme determining fundamental parametersof stars observed by HIPPARCOS, spectra of 525 B8 to F2-type starsbrighter than V=8 have been collected at ESO. Fourier transforms ofseveral line profiles in the range 4200-4500 Å are used to derivev sin i from the frequency of the first zero. Statistical analysis ofthe sample indicates that measurement error is a function of v sin i andthis relative error of the rotational velocity is found to be about 6%on average. The results obtained are compared with data from theliterature. There is a systematic shift from standard values from\citet{Slk_75}, which are 10 to 12% lower than our findings. Comparisonswith other independent v sin i values tend to prove that those fromSlettebak et al. are underestimated. This effect is attributed to thepresence of binaries in the standard sample of Slettebak et al., and tothe model atmosphere they used. Based on observations made at theEuropean Southern Observatory (ESO), La Silla, Chile, in the frameworkof the Key Programme 5-004-43K. Table 4 is only available in electronicform at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( via http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/381/105

Radial velocities of HIPPARCOS southern B8-F2 type stars
Radial velocities have been determined for a sample of B8-F2 type starsobserved by the Hipparcos satellite. Observations were obtained withinthe framework of an ESO key-program. Radial velocities have beenmeasured using a cross-correlation method, the templates being a grid ofsynthetic spectra. The obtained precision depends on effectivetemperature and projected rotational velocity of the star as well as ona possible asymmetry of the correlation peak generally due to secondarycomponents. New spectroscopic binaries have been detected from theseasymmetries and the variability of the measured radial velocity.Simulations of binary and triple systems have been performed. Forbinaries our results have been compared with Hipparcos binary data.Adding the variable radial velocities, the minimum binary fraction hasbeen found 60% for physical systems. Radial velocities have beendetermined for 581 B8-F2 stars, 159 being new. Taking into accountpublished radial velocities, 39% south A-type stars with V magnitudelower than 7.5 have a radial velocity. Based on observations obtained atthe European Southern Observatory (ESO, La Silla, Chile) and on datafrom the ESA Hipparcos astrometry satellite.}\fnmsep \thanks{Tables 7, 8and 9 are only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftpto cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

An extensive Delta a-photometric survey of southern B and A type bright stars
Photoelectric photometry of 803 southern BS objects in the Deltaa-system as detection tool for magnetic chemically peculiar (=CP2) starshas been carried out and compared to published spectral types. Thestatistical yield of such objects detected by both techniques ispractically the same. We show that there are several factors whichcontaminate the search for these stars, but this contamination is onlyof the order of 10% in both techniques. We find a smooth transition fromnormal to peculiar stars. Our sample exhibits the largest fraction ofCP2 stars at their bluest colour interval, i.e. 10% of all stars in thecolour range -0.19 <= B-V < -0.10 or -0.10 <= b-y < -0.05.No peculiar stars based on the Delta a-criterion were found at bluercolours. Towards the red side the fraction of CP2 stars drops to about3% for positive values of B-V or b-y with red limits roughlycorresponding to normal stars of spectral type A5. The photometricbehaviour of other peculiar stars: Am, HgMn, delta Del, lambda Boo, Heabnormal stars, as well as Be/shell stars and supergiants shows someslight, but definite deviations from normal stars. Spectroscopic andvisual binaries are not distinguished from normal stars in their Delta abehaviour. The results of this work justify larger statistical work(e.g. in open clusters) employing more time-saving photometric methods(CCD). \newpage Based on observations obtained at the European SouthernObservatory, La Silla, Chile. This research has made use of the Simbaddatabase, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. Table 2 is only availablein electronic form via anonymous ftp orhttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/Abstract.html

The Gronbech-Olsen photometry: Transformations to a Hyades-Coma system
In this paper, we consider the zero points of six sets of Stromgren-betaphotometry. The color-index system to which our results are referred isa 'Hyades-Coma' system composed of photometry by Crawford and Perry(1966) and Crawford and Barnes (1969). For V magnitudes, we usemeasurements by Taylor and Joner (1992). Our results are as follows. (1)The zero points of photometry by Gronbech and Olsen (1976, 1977) areoffset from those of the Hyades-Coma system. The offsets can amount toseveral mmag; they appear for V and all color indices except beta, anddepend on right ascension and (usually) declination. (2) These offsetscan be applied to photometry by Stetson (1991), who reduced his resultsto the Gronbech-Olsen system. After correction, Stetson's results for aset of 'transfer stars' differ from comparable data published byCrawford and Barnes (1970). (3) A direct comparison of the transferstars to the Hyades yields consistency between the Hyades-Coma andCrawford-Barnes zero points (for the transfer stars specifically). Thisresult supports a conclusion drawn by Taylor and Joner, and suggeststhat here is some problem with the zero points of Stetson'stransfer-star data. (4) From Stetson's corrected data, one finds thatthe Crawford-Perry zero points for the Hyades are consistent with theCrawford-Barnes zero points for Coma. This result agrees with aconclusion drawn by Taylor and Joner from their own data, and suggeststhat the problem postulated for Stetson's transfer-star data does notextend to his results for the Hyades and Coma.

The Relation between Rotational Velocities and Spectral Peculiarities among A-Type Stars
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995ApJS...99..135A&db_key=AST

Ca II H and K Filter Photometry on the UVBY System. II. The Catalog of Observations
Abstract image available at:http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-bib_query?1995AJ....109.2828T&db_key=AST

Early type high-velocity stars in the solar neighborhood. IV - Four-color and H-beta photometry
Results are presented from photometric obaservations in the Stromgrenuvby four-color and H-beta systems of early-type high-velocity stars inthe solar neighborhood. Several types of photometrically peculiar starsare selected on the basis of their Stromgren indices and areprovisionally identified as peculiar A stars, field horizontal-branchstars, metal-poor stars near the Population II and old-disk turnoffs,metal-poor blue stragglers, or metallic-line A stars. Numerousphotometrically normal stars were also found.

An Einstein Observatory X-ray survey of main-sequence stars with shallow convection zones
The results of an X-ray survey of bright late A and early F stars on themain B-V sequence between 0.1 and 0.5 are presented. All the stars wereobserved with the Einstein Observatory for a period of at least 500seconds. The survey results show significantly larger X-ray luminositiesfor the sample binaries than for the single stars. It is suggested thatthe difference is due to the presence of multiple X-ray sources inbinaries. It is shown that the X-ray luminosities for single starsincrease rapidly with increasing color, and that the relation Lx/Lbol isequal to about 10 to the -7th does not hold for A stars. No correlationwas found between X-ray luminosity and projected equatorial rotationvelocity. It is argued on the basis of the observations that X-rayemission in the sample stars originated from coronae. The availableobservational evidence supporting this view is discussed.

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Besorolás csoportokba:

Pozíciós és asztrometriai adatok

Vizuális fényesség:6.32
Távolság:49.579 parszek
RA sajátmozgás:-12.1
Dec sajátmozgás:-2.4
B-T magnitude:6.643
V-T magnitude:6.341

Katalógusok és elnevezések:
Megfelelő nevek   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 32115
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 4754-1468-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 0825-01263198
BSC 1991HR 1613
HIPHIP 23296

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